Windows Live Mail Settings |
Windows Live Mail is the free email client that came with most versions of Windows 7. It replaced Outlook Express in XP and Windows Mail in Vista as Microsoft's free client. Run the setup file and then you can choose to only install the Mail program if you wish. ***Note: as of January 2017, Microsoft has removed download links for the program but it will still work fine if you already have a copy.
To view the full size screen shot showing various settings, simply click the thumbnail image on the left side of each step.
1) With Windows Live Mail open, click on the inbox for the account you want to check / edit settings for. Then click ACCOUNTS from the main menu at the top of the window and select PROPERTIES.
Once the PROPERTIES window is open, click on the SERVERS tab and review the settings noted in the screen shot image. |
2) Next click on the ADVANCED tab and verify the settings match.
Note that under the DELIVERY section at the bottom of the window, if you have LEAVE A COPY OF MESSAGES ON SERVER selected, you should also check off the option to REMOVE FROM SERVER AFTER xx days (5 to 14 days recommended) so you don't exceed your allowable space on our mail server.
Once you've downloaded mail in Windows Live Mail, it's physically on your computer so there is no need to store on the mail server for an extended period.
If all settings look correct, click the OK button to close window. |
To test your email, close and then reopen Windows Live Mail. You can try sending an email to yourself to test outgoing is working. Note that you should remove any previous emails from the outbox first as they tend to remember previous settings, which were likely incorrect if mail stayed in the OUTBOX rather than moving to the SENT folder. |